An Accidental Romance by Karen Tuft

An Accidental Romance by Karen Tuft

Author:Karen Tuft
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Jennings family;Series;London;regency;romance;broken ankle;family;sister;accident;young woman;affection;secret;identity;secrets;past;loce;let her go;dating;courting;marriage;suitors;heart;give;clean;LDS
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Published: 2021-11-02T02:18:55+00:00

Chapter 10

There had been no time for Rebecca to dwell on her conversation with Ben after that dreaded afternoon when she had called on him. She and Isobel had spent the next two days writing invitations and offering suggestions to Martha, who was in charge of the celebration; Cook, who was preparing the menus; and Mrs. Pugh, the housekeeper, who was ensuring the house was in order. It was all a bit daunting, because until Mama and Papa arrived, no one was precisely sure who or how many would be arriving at Alderwood besides Susan and her new husband.

In the meantime, Lavinia and Delia, with input from Artie and Hannah, organized a grand musical revue to follow the banquet that was to be held in the new couple’s honor. Thomas, Isaac, and Lucas had agreed to organize games and activities for the villagers during the day.

They had all been so busy that Rebecca had not thought about Ben for even a moment. She hadn’t thought about him when she’d written his invitation. She hadn’t thought about his singing when Delia had mentioned the folk songs to be performed, nor had she thought about the look in Ben’s eyes as he’d listened to her playing Beethoven when Delia had suggested she play the pianoforte. And she definitely hadn’t thought about sitting next to him on a picnic blanket, talking to him about Isaac’s sermon and trying to truly understand the depth of his grief and pain.

Indeed, Rebecca hadn’t thought about Ben or any of those things as all the work and discussions for Susan’s wedding celebration had occurred over the past few days—or that was what she kept telling herself every time an image of him flitted through her mind and tried to take a firm hold there. She’d been only somewhat successful.

Or not successful at all.

At least she’d managed to keep her thoughts of Ben to herself, appear cheery with her family, and be productive and helpful, despite her inability to use both of her legs.

And so, plans had been well underway by the time Mama and Papa arrived home on Saturday afternoon.

“We are truly blessed with the best children, are we not, Thurlby?” Mama exclaimed after Thomas and Isobel had reported on what preparations had occurred thus far, the entire family present in the dayroom to welcome Mama and Papa home properly. “I know it’s going to be the most splendid celebration our Susan could ever wish for, and she has wished a long time for this.”

“Has she, Mama?” Isaac said. “I’m glad to hear it. I have been rather concerned for her the past several years and wondered if she truly wished to be a wife and mother. I’m sure the Lord is pleased.”

“I expect the Lord has been pleased with Susan all along, Isaac,” Mama said. “It merely takes longer for some to find their place and calling in life.”

“Tell us about the Duke of Aylesham!” Lavinia exclaimed, abruptly changing the subject—for which Rebecca was grateful, considering she felt very nearly a spinster on the shelf now herself.


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